JOJO WEST: Full Figured Fierce Pro Model of the Month


Well HELLO THERE!!! It’s that time again… It’s the day we get to spotlight another BEAUTIFUL Professional Plus Model working hard in this industry…

Meet the absolutely Beautiful, Queen JOJO WEST.

We have following this beauty since this photo b49046c1-ab96-46e3-9023-e15a34ca04c4

broke the internet within the Plus Size Community last year. We saw it and screamed… “YOUUUUUU BETTTTA Be EVERYTHING in this Swimwear!!!!! ”  This Swimsuit by Bjuled Couture looked amazing on her. Love Love LOVE!! So we caught up with the Beautiful JoJo for a quick interview.. Check it out below….

So Beautiful.. tell the world of Full Figured Fierce who you are and where you are from.

My name is Johanna but my model name is Jojo West; I was born and raised in Miami, FL, I lived in the DC area for 10 years and I’m now back in sunny South Florida.

Yes, We love Florida can’t wait to get back. So let’s dive right in, How long have you been modeling? 

I started modeling at the age of 4 when my mother entered me in my first pageant. I continued to model into my early teens, but stopped because my self confidence took a hit and I ended up with an eating disorder. I started modeling again 5 years ago, this time as a plus size model.

Well we are so glad you are back , Slaying the scene as only JoJo can. So we hear you have a lot of major events coming up? Tell us about them.

My calendar is quite full through September, I love it! Aside from some upcoming photo shoots, I have several runway events. On June 12, I will be walking for Plush by Dames N’ Diamonds, a plus size swimwear show in Orlando, FL. Then I will be participating in 1426 Curves Swim Week in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, June 23-25. In July I will be traveling to Houston, TX to participate in Fashionable & Thick, then traveling to Washington, DC for Curves Rock Fashion Weekend. I was super excited to be chosen to walk for the event. August will take me to Myrtle Beach, SC for the AutoImmune Metro Style 2016 show. I’m currently waiting to audition for the Walk Fashion show in Miami, and for Small Boutique Fashion Week during NYFW as a model for Bjuled Couture, the plus size swimwear line for which I’m the brand ambassador.

Now THAT is what we call , BOOKED! So we have been seeing alot about the Embrace Your Curves Expo? Give us all the low down on the Expo. 

The expo is a work in progress. We’re currently in the planning stages of creating a large trade show style event focused not only around fashion, but also on health, both physical and emotional. As someone who has spent many years of her life in the fashion industry I know how it can make girls and women of all ages and sizes feel. The profits from the event will be donated to the charity of the participants choice. They can choose between St. Jude Children’s Research hospital and The National Eating Disorder Association. There will be several vending opportunities, musical performances, panels, and a runway event.

Party with a Purpose, that’s what we love to see in this community. We will be getting some more information about that to the Full Figured Fierce world soon. This is something everyone needs to support. So, What is your favorite thing about modeling?

I love the versatility. As both a print and runway model I get to do two entirely different things. With runway, I have the honor of wearing different styles and represent the hard work and vision of each designer. It’s an incredible experience. From the stress of being chosen to that final moment when you walk of the stage and actually breathe! With print work I can express my own individuality and creativity. If I’m collaborating with photographers on my own themes I get to create the type of art that I would display on my walls, and when working on more editorial material I get to create art and material I can share with a broader audience.

So, you and I are both model coaches. Being a model coach, how do you feel about the growing number of aspiring models who believe they do not need training?

The thing to remember is that there’s more to being a model than having a pretty face or a certain body, and there is always room for growth. Every good model I have met has had some form of training, whether at an academy or with a coach. A model not only needs to know how to walk a runway and pose her body, but she needs to develop her facial expressions while posing. Facial expressions are a lot harder than most people think. It’s easy to do the basic: happy, serious, and “sexy”, but when you need to do angry, sad, frustrated, tired, scared, confused, etc. many girls draw a blank. Then there’s things like understanding the industry, the way designers function, what’s expected of models, how much time and money you’ll need to invest, where to start, and how to handle yourself around industry professionals. Those are all things you learn through years of being in the industry. The benefits of working with a coach is that they pass on that knowledge before you even start which makes a huge difference in how you advance in your career.

Absolutely, there is so much more to this than being a pretty face.

Jojo,  Where do you see yourself in 5 years in this industry?

In 5 years I would like to have had the honor to walk in Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week, have been published in a major print publication and/or a major plus size publication. I would also like to be well established in the fashion event planning business, putting on my own runway events and trade shows. Finally, I would like to have my own agency, with an integrated and varied list of represented models.

We think you will accomplish every single one of those dreams. It’s in the atmosphere now, no turning back now.  In the process, you will be an inspiration to so many young women to come after you. Do you believe the rise in awareness within the Plus size community will continue?

I absolutely believe it will continue to grow. For a long time people have been voicing how they feel about the lack of diversity not only in the fashion industry, but the entertainment industry in general. When the average clothing size for women is in the double digits, the industry needs to recognize that the majority needs to be represented. With models like Tess Holiday and Ashley Graham making groundbreaking achievements, it’s hard to deny that change is happening.

Do you have a dream designer you would love to walk for? If so, who and why?

There are so many incredible designers that I can’t pick just one. There’s two designers I’ve been following since I was a teenager: Oscar de la Renta and Valentino! They have been around for so long and throughout the years they continue to create beautiful pieces.

Precisely.. He is quoted saying “I always say in my role as a designer is to bear, to do the very best I can for that woman, to make her feel her very best.” Oscar De La Renta  I think he definitely achieved that goal in his life.

So, on to some GIRLY STUFF… What are your go to beauty products?

I have very sensitive skin and because of that I’m very particular about the cleaning products I use on my face. I use the Ultra Facial Oil-Free Cleanser, and Calendula Herbal Extract Alcohol-Free Toner from Keihl’s. Moisturizing is very important, so I use botanical kinetics™ hydrating lotion from Aveda. As far as makeup goes, I am a huge Kat Von D fan, especially her Everlasting Liquid Lipstick and Lock-it foundation, which is perfect for photo shoots.

I’m going to have to try that moisturizer. It is extremely important during any season.If you weren’t a model, what else would you see yourself doing? 

I would probably still be involved in the arts. My family is very artistic. My father and uncles all play musical instruments, and sketch. My sister paints and dances. I used to dance and play the piano, it’s just in my blood. I imagine that if I didn’t have the creative outlet from modeling, that energy would likely be focused on sketching and painting, which I enjoy.

So, What is next for the Beautiful JoJo West?

I’m working on making new connections and partnerships in Florida. My plan is to expand my portfolio and do more commercial work with plus size brands. I will be working on expanding the Bjuled Couture brand, which I’m very involved with, to take it to a national and perhaps international level. I also have plans to start a cafe/restaurant with my husband in the next few years, so there’s a lot I’m working on.

Thank you so much for stopping by Full Figured Fierce, JoJo West. We salute you and wish you nothing but the best on all your upcoming shows, your Expo and let us know when you hit that runway in New York Fashion Week. We know you are going to make that happen.

You can follow JoJo’s journey on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.

Check her out on a runway near you ..




….would you come look at this?

Good Morning Kings and Queens.. I hope you are having a FABULOUS Day so far.  We definitely are. So, listen.. we were looking for a new cover girl to grace our Facebook fan page, right? So we put out a call last night for beautiful professional/quality photos. Choosing just one was extremely hard. So hard, in fact , that we decided we needed to do a few features because they really came through with these photos. Classy, Sexy, Curvy, and most importantly, FIERCE! We LOVE when women COMMAND attention…

So here are a few Queens we wanted to Highlight.


Check out these beauties and MORE on our Facebook page here. Also don’t forget to follow us on Instagram as well. We will be featuring more Beautifuls in the coming weeks so stay connected with us.

If you are Professional PLUS model ( size 10 or above) and you would like to submit for an interview and feature for the  Professional Model of the Month, click here for all the information.

See you soon…








Full Figured Fierce : Model of the Month

Crystal Lee


Photo: Terry Mouton photography
Dress: kloftboutique


Continue reading “Full Figured Fierce : Model of the Month”

I have THIS to say about THAT…. Take a NAP!


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Sooooo yea..  *steppin on my Soapbox*.. I’m going to try to choose my words carefully because.. I’m confused..

This is the BEAUTIFUL, SUPER TALENTED, GOSPEL SINGER Erica Campbell, one half of Mary Mary. So, this QUEEN and the Celebrity Stylist J. Bolin are catching pure H. E. Double Hockey Sticks because of the ensembles she is wearing for her photo shoot to promote her solo album. You may not agree with what Im about to say but I’m gonna say it anyway.. We can talk about it in the comments below..

I, FULL FIGURED FIERCE, thinks that this sista…. DID THAT! I think she looks DROP DEAD GORGEOUS in ALL pictures ESPECIALLY the WHITE!..  So, because she sings GOSPEL, people expect her to look like the MOTHER BOARD? I’m so confused.  I am not even 40 years old yet.. I identify with what she is wearing because it looks like something I would want to wear. WHY? BECAUSE IT’S FIERCE!  Now, is she wearing this to CHURCH, no.. but have we all seen WORSE in church? KEEP IT REAL… YES!!!!  If we are going to judge people by what they wear, then ALL of us might be in some trouble. ………………………………. ALL OF US!

Here again it seems that you have to conform to someone else’s Standards of RIGHT and WRONG.  So you would RATHER follow these sistas who have to inject their breast and butts with GOD only knows WHAT and sing about all the things we COMPLAIN .. twerking, calling each other the B word.. etc than to give props to a woman who has worked hard on her physique, totally natural and is singing to GOD.. I will never understand it..

I have been motivated to do 2 crunches because of this photo  and a PLANK. This is who I want to look like… REAL… SUPER FLY and BEAT!!!! I got a chance to walk for Celebrity Stylist J. Bolin and his advice to me was.. Don’t call yourself PLUS SIZE.. YOU ARE SIZE SEXY.. QUEEN ERICA is SIZE SEXY.. She doesn’t have things hanging out.. like her BUTT.. Everything is in order.. meaning she is wearing the proper foundation.. She’s well put together.. so exactly what is wrong with people..

How about this.. how about you give her some PROPS for looking this good wearing something like this. How about we APPLAUD her for not showing her butt and breast or her Lady purse with all the change.. How about that..  I can’t with the Media and Folks who are forever trying to bring others down to make themselves feel better..

Queen Erica… Thank you for showing our young ladies how a real woman with self respect can dress. You are an inspiration to alot of people including me.  You are Full Figured Fierce APPROVED!


F3: Free Boutique Listings



Well Hello Gorgeousness…  *waving like Forrest Gump*


So.. Kali, my admin on FullFiguredFierce  and the owner of FancyFaceKreations and I have been working hard on this website. Our big project is building a resource list of Boutiques around the country where Size Sexy women can find awesome pieces to Strut in. I am really sick of seeing what’s in the major stores for us. I always think back to my favorite movie *PHAT GIRLS* with Queen Monique.. Remember when they were at work, looking at the selection of clothes. Everything looked like a sofa or bathroom curtains… We are WAY to FIERCE for that mess.. We don’t have to hide our curves under a bed of rose covered clothes..  We can do BOLD prints.. HOT colors..  and sparkles.. I absolutely refuse to allow someone to tell me what I SHOULDN’T wear.  As long as I wear the proper foundation, I’m rocking it…

So with that being said.. we are looking for FIERCE Boutiques that cater to the FULL FIGURED FIERCE QUEENS we are.. You can have a store front or an online store or you can be a designer… Please share this with someone you may know who owns a boutique..  Have them email their business information ( name, address, phone, websites) to Put Boutique Listing in the Sub line.. and it’s yours..

I wish you all the best of luck in your business… Keep God First and he will provide everything that you need… 🙂







Hey Divas…

I know I have not been around .. AGAIN.. and you are all gonna delete me…* I hope not*.. I’ve been super busy.. Just did a show with the FABULOUS PERRY VARNER last Sunday in Atlanta.. and I promise you.. it renewed my faith in people… but we will talk about that later..  I’ve also been quite busy with my Full figured Fierce page on Facebook.. It’s growing daily.. I even got a Shout Out from the Best Page EVER… REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES… * Chile I was laid out with that One*.. * waving REAL HARD  at Khari and Lynx..  * XOXOXO

You know I gotta have music in my life.. and what better than  … MJB… * whew*

Back to the blog..
On my Full Figured Fierce page on Facebook.. we had FIERCE FRIDAY.. the ladies sent in pictures of themselves to show off a little.. Well this morning.. I got a message from a concerned *MALE* viewer.. that I thought needed to be addressed. Before everyone puts on their armor ready to bash a brother’s head in.. let me say.. that he was in no way shape or form being disrespectful like the other Nut..  He is actually a father with a teenage daughter who liked my page. He checks her facebook * BIG KUDOS FOR THAT ONE* and came across FIERCE FRIDAY..

His concern was a few of the pictures didn’t seem to fit… because of the poses and some of the attire.  He said that it appeared that they were TRYING TOO HARD to be seen..  He felt that they were degrading themselves just for FACEBOOK LOVE..

That caught me off guard  and yes I started to get UPSET but I thought about what he was trying to say.. not how he was saying it.

Do we, as women, dress for US or do we dress and act in what we think MEN want?

….. this picture says SOOO much to me.. o_O..

My vision of FULL FIGURED FIERCE is to help other women ( as I train myself) to love themselves for who they are.  I want women to feel CONFIDENT about themselves..  and who they are.. but as I told him.. I think acceptance comes in levels.. The journey I’ve been in on is 10 years in the making.. I used to dress the way he was talking about .. and posed in pictures that wasn’t very becoming .. there are MILLIONS of things I did that I’m not proud of.. But those are the things that got me to where I am right now.. along with my husband always telling me I was beautiful.. and to lift my head up.. be confident in who I am..  I couldn’t tell anyone else that.. if I weren’t taught that myself..

So .. I guess the QOTD is.. Are the words enough? How do you TEACH Someone to RESPECT themselves, not OUR way.. but for themselves?   Be real with me.. This is how we learn..

You can answer here.. or on my page Full Figured Fierce


Dear Full Figured Buyers,


What in all of KRISPY KREME is THIS Mess?  Why is it every time I go into the PLUS SIZE section, ( a term we absolutely HATE by the way) everything is PLAIN or these  ungodly prints? Why does OUR section have to look like we are walking into a nursing home? I don’t know where this came from but FULL FIGURED and ELDERLY are NOT one in the same when it comes to our clothes. I’m not even 40.. I am still very youthful, active and vibrant. I don’t want to look like my GRANDMOTHER.  These prints aren’t flattering to our lifestyles. They aren’t even Flattering to THEIR lifestyles.  Please don’t get it confused.  Just because we have a lil extra, or even MORE than Extra.. doesn’t mean that we should be camouflaged from the world.  We will not play the Background so that society’s View of BEAUTY can play an even Bigger Role.  We are here..and believe it or not.. there are more of US than there are of THEM. So instead of pitting one against the other.. How about making us ALL FABULOUS!

There are several full figured designers who could give us EXACTLY what we WANT but they don’t get the chance to be in department stores because they are filled with stuff like elastic waist jeans with no pockets, blouses that can’t be belted,  bland colors and nothing short of a TENT. We don’t want you to COVER our CURVES we want you to CONTOUR them.. hell why not COUTURE..  I would ask that you watch Monique’s movie PHAT GIRLS… It will give you a lil insight on what WE want not what you THINK we want..  We deserve to be Beautiful too..

Just saying…

Sincerely Yours,