Full Figured Fierce : Model of the Month

Images by: Mesmarise Photography Hair & Makeup by: Luminaire Pro
Images by: Mesmarise Photography Hair & Makeup by: Luminaire Pro
Image by: T.S Designs Styled: Jackie Turner Makeup by: Patrice Story
Images by: Mesmarise Photography Hair & Makeup by: Luminaire Pro

Full Figured Fierce caught up with the Beautiful and Super Talented Nikki Carter of North Carolina. We met Nikki in Portland for Portland Fashion Week, where we walked together for Kenneth Doswell of Betty Jean Couture. However, we have been following her career for quite some time now.

Check out our interview with her below and the sound advice she gives aspiring models breaking into the industry.

F3: So Queen Nikki, How long have you been in the industry?

Nikki: I have been in the industry seriously since 2010 but have been modeling since I was 13 years old.  I went to Barbizon Modeling & Acting school years ago.  

F3: Name 2 things you Love and Dislike about the plus industry?  

Nikki: I love the sense of community among the plus size models , it’s not a competition, there’s room for all kinds of people.  I also love the fact that plus size models are becoming more mainstream. However, I still feel like models on the smaller end of the spectrum of plus size modeling aren’t as welcomed into the love fest of the plus size community as a fuller girl.  I also feel that although the term edgy (meaning having an alternative look) is tossed around like wildfire and misused.  I’ve seen time and time again that companies/designers host  casting calls  for an edgy model however ultimately choosing a very commercial model when in fact alternative/edgy models like myself exist and can be very commercial with an edgy look.  

F3: What are some of your personal do’s and don’ts when it comes to this industry?

Nikki: Networking is crucial to being successful in this industry including and not limited to social networking, at least that’s what has worked for me.  I try to make yourself a blank canvas so that a potential client could possibly see their designs on me.  I never bash anyone or treat them unkindly, the plus size community is a very tight knit community, you never know who knows who and how good of a friend they may be.  I do not talk trash about clothes that do not match my personal style while at a runway show, word gets around and no one likes a loose mouth model.  Models are canvases there’s no need to give your opinion. Another big no no for me is never be unprepared, I always bring makeup, hair products, and multiple shapers you never know what may happen.   

F3: With social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, there are so many new faces in the industry now. What advice would you give an aspiring model when it pertains to their social media presence?

Nikki: Your social media sites are an avenue for free advertisement, use them wisely.  Posting about your personal love life, breakups and makeups in rollercoaster relationships aren’t anyone’s business but you and your partners.  And no one really wants to know that you feel depressed either, I really hate that Facebook gives that option to allow users to post such emotions.  In my opinion, when a designer/possible client does a social media check (yes they look at your pics) and they see your post about feeling depressed, lonely, and no one loves me they instantly think how can this person benefit my company.  The designer could possibly think wow I hope she’s not feeling depressed the day of the show.  Not to mention images of illegal drug use or drunkenness, we all have a good time no doubt but there’s no need to post an image of such.  My motto is only post images that are appropriate for my parents and pastor to view.       

F3: That is EXCELLENT advice that I hope they receive. So, being models we have some MUST HAVES that we carry with us everywhere. What’s the most important item in your model bag and why?

Nikki: I actually have a few items that I never leave home without but the most important item is my shaper.  Shapers can make or break a model’s career.  Doing the wobble on the runway isn’t cute, seriously not at all!

F3: Absolutely. LOL   So tell us, what events you have coming up?

Nikki: Currently working for Belk Department store as an in house fit model in plus fashions.  Looking forward to upcoming shows in San Diego  and Canada, also seeking to attend FFFWeek casting for 2016 in hopes of being selected for their show in June.  My desire is to travel abroad in 2016 possibly UK shows but whatever the great Creator has in store for me.

We thank Queen Nikki for chatting with us and offering up some great advice and letting us know what she is up to. Look for her on a runway near you.

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